SOS - Save our Seas

Geschrieben am 07.04.2021
von Simone Scholtz

Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts der SE3a in Wolfwil wurde das Thema «SOS- Save our Seas» mit dem Lehrmittel New World 5 behandelt. Nebst Texten zum Thema Meeresverschmutzung, wurden auch kurze Dokumentarvideos in Originalsprache geschaut und das Gelernte in Gruppen und der Klasse diskutiert. Besonders spannend fand die Klasse die Lösungsansätze der Gruppe «The Ocean Cleanup».

Diese Texte sind im Rahmen dieses Unterrichtsthemas in der Klasse SE3a entstanden und von den Schülerinnen und Schülern in Gruppen ausgewählt worden:


Save the ocean! by Zoe

It makes me sad that a long time ago we all said, «We’re not going to use plastic anymore, » or «Save the turtles! ». But nothing changed, to be honest. I think most people just said things like that, because it was a trend, but they didn’t know it was serious. In my opinion, we should start with banning plastic bags. (…) I feel bad for all the animals in the oceans, because it’s our fault and they can’t do anything about it. But we can change it! It makes me happy that people like the «Ocean Cleanup» already started to clean the ocean.


Plastic around the world, by Jonas J.

It shocks me that the ocean has so much trash. 80% of the trash comes from the land, that’s crazy. I can imagine that the «Ocean Cleanup» can save the wildlife. They just need to believe in themselves. The ideas they have are so good.
In my opinion we should take this problem seriously. All people can help a bit and together we will manage this problem. I am so glad that people have a vision, but we all need to help. How do you want to help?


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, by Luana 

I was shocked when I saw the movies. There is so much plastic and trash in our oceans. It makes me angry and sad, because it is also dangerous for animals. Many people think that the plastic in the sea has nothing to do with us. But that’s not true. I hope more people realise that most of the trash comes from us. I think the biggest problem is the plastic, for example plastic bags. It is a scandal for the earth!
In my opinion the world and the oceans can be cleaner if everyone helps. Maybe we should all stop using plastic bags.


Stop the pollution, by Kajaani

It makes me sad that so much plastic kills the fish in the oceans. But I was relieved when I heard about a solution for the problem. I believe that the idea from the company «The Ocean Cleanup» will help the oceans. I think that we also need to stop polluting the ocean and need to recycle the trash. (…) In my opinion we can save the ocean, if we all work together.


«The Ocean Cleanup», by Marko

I was relieved to learn that it’s possible to clean the ocean. I was shocked as I heard that we have so much garbage in our oceans. But I’m happy that we have people who make the unreal things real.
I wish that we can reduce 80% of the garbage in the oceans in about ten years. Maybe the «River Cleanup» is not as easy as they showed us in the movie in real life, because the ships will touch the ground or sides of the river. It could be very dangerous.